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The interaction with the other course participants from their varied experience was invaluable.|Learning about coaching and communication was particullarly interesting and helpful for my development.|My communication style has significantly changed with a large increase in my influence and engagement from others as a direct result from one of my win/win goals and help from my Mentor. Our whole company has adopted blocking away time to focus on HPA’s. This has been directly influenced from a win/win goal to spend more time on these important tasks which is a signifincat change from our previous culture. Team members have demonstrated increased willingness to be accountable and responsible for their own results, performance and attititudes. My department are now moving towards to concrete action steps on goals we have talked about for years. My manager has commented on my significant growth in attitudes, behaviours and leadership he has seen. I have developed the vision and mission statements for my company as part of a win/win goal. I have been running as part of a larger fitness goal.

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