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L.E.A.D Survey 2018

Following the Leaders or Leading the Followers

Developing Effective Leadership in the 21st Century

New information to help leaders understand what is expected of them in their roles and how best to identify and develop future leaders with confidence and success.

The Whitepaper delves into the most profound issues to emerge from this wave of the L.E.A.D. Survey, issues that implore leaders and managers to invest the necessary time and energy to understand and leverage the leadership potential that exists within their organisations.

Download the L.E.A.D. Whitepaper to view the issues, needs and expectations of over 4,000 employees, managers and business leaders.

Use the form above to download this handy resource, feel free to share it on social media.

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Finalising Productivity for the E.O.F.Y – Grant Sexton

Being only a couple of months out from the end of financial year (EOFY), now is the time to be prepared. During this time we know your business is already under the pump, but it is important to be on top of everything so that, when the time does come to get your affairs in order, you’ll be prepared. Over the next 3 months LMA will be exploring the different aspects to productivity and preparing for the end of the financial year.  We hope these newsletters will help you get prepared for EOFY, and run you through a few things to keep in mind in the lead-up to EOFY.

It’s a key step for a business to remain on top of this critical time of year. It’s time for renewal, a fresh start and revisiting old goals to set or adjust new ones. Making small steps now can bring up potential problems, allowing your business to be on top of these issues before they arise.

Grant Sexton – Founder and Director

Planning for New Financial Year – Grant Sexton

With the new financial year approaching, many businesses are inundated with tasks to bring the year to a close, ranging from complying with tax obligations to meeting sales targets. However, it can also be an ideal time for businesses to take stock and strategically prepare for a successful year ahead.

There is always pressure on businesses to reduce costs and be more efficient. By taking a strategic approach to planning for the new financial year, these businesses can make sure they are in the best position to do this in the right way.

Grant Sexton – Founder and Director


Lead the way with Productivity


As Leaders we have the opportunity to set the standard for improved personal productivity by leading by example in our attitudes, actions and communications.  However the challenge is to remain focused amidst all the distractions of the day to day workplace.  When you are focused on the organisation’s direction and the performance goals of your overall team, you are able to identify priorities across your department.  You can then determine the High Payoff Activities (HPA’s) that will help you and the others achieve their priorities and goals.


The quickest and most effective way to increase productivity is to spend time and effort on the activities that create the highest payoff and advance you towards the important goals – your HPA’s.  Pareto’s principle states that 80 percent of our results are achieved through 20 percent of our activities.  The remaining 80 percent of our activities produce 20 percent of our results.  Ensure that you have identified your HPA’s and focus your time on the work that really matters.  Otherwise you may be consumed by trivial activities and details.  As a leader you may be spending time completing tasks or solving problems that can be completed or solved by others.


Empower, delegate and train others to complete tasks that are not your priority and to solve their own problems rather than constantly bringing them to you.  This approach saves you valuable time and gives others the opportunity to develop their own skills.  In the process you will increase their confidence, engagement and sense of ownership when it comes to new tasks, problem solving and the results that they achieve.  Also, as the leader, help others in your team to identify and spend their time on their own HPA’s to improve their productivity.


There are 2 reasons that account for failure to achieve goals, or to accomplish important jobs or tasks.   People either never START or they never FINISH.

Begin on the important work and continue without relying on the emotion of “Feeling like doing it”.    Getting started is often the most difficult part of the project.  Some people put off getting started as they are waiting to have all of the information and resources available or waiting for the right time to start.  In some cases you may never have all the information and some jobs may never be easy, now or at a later date.  Develop a step by step plan of action by breaking the project down into more manageable logical smaller action steps to achieve at each stage.  As you start achieving each of these steps in a systematic method, you will be able to tick them off and enjoy the sense of accomplishment that enables you to complete the project.


Self-discipline enables leaders to stay focused on the task and work through until it’s completed.  Once you establish your priorities, avoid all distractions or interruptions that sway your focus and concentration from the completion of the task.

Discipline yourself to give the tasks only the amount of time and effort they really deserve from you.  Otherwise delegate them to other appropriate team members.  As a leader, either of these actions will require thoughtful evaluation and consideration as well as the application of strong leadership self-discipline.


As leaders, careful planning and goal setting, combined with our determination to succeed, are vital to ensuring that we maintain and improve our own personal productivity.  This combination of factors enables us to be persistent.

Persistence is always a major characteristic of successful individuals and leaders.   Many people eagerly take on new jobs, new responsibilities or new assignments starting with a great splash of enthusiasm, excitement and progress.  However, they soon lose momentum and focus, never completely finishing the job.  In contrast, productive people set definite goals and priorities, plan carefully and then focus and concentrate their attention on what is required to complete the goal.  Persistent leaders keep their goals in mind and work tenaciously towards achieving them.  Your persistence will also become an important characteristic to model for your team. 


For many leaders an over emphasis on perfection can lead to negative outcomes.  Productive people decide what’s important and what’s not.  They set aside a reasonable amount of time to accomplish a specific task and stick to their deadlines.  They are also conscious of the standards and quality factors required.

Even on genuinely significant projects, truly productive individuals strive for results, not 100 percent perfection.  Effective leaders recognise that some tasks are simply not important enough to require their time or effort.  When you focus on improving your own productivity through focusing on priorities, delegating, getting started, exercising self-discipline and demonstrating persistence, you role model the behaviours that you want your team members to emulate and copy.

Leading by example and improving your own personal product performance and productivity is one of the most effective ways of ensuring that your individual team members and the team as a whole becomes more focused and more productive.

The majority of our readers enjoy either an informal or formal leadership role.  However, every single leadership role is unique.  Titles given to leaders vary substantially and the responsibilities vary from department to department and organisation to organisation.   But, no matter how different the title, the job description or the nature of the product or service of the organisation, all leaders have one important common responsibility.  They are all responsible for achieving certain results, performance and productivity with and through other people.  It’s the leader’s role to harness the unique potential of those they lead to bring about exceptional results and achieve the team and organisational goals.

Leadership goes beyond management.  Genuine leadership involves gaining engagement and commitment from those you lead so they, like you, understand and willingly play their part in the overall purpose and success of the organisation.  Leadership involves the ability to communicate, to enable and to empower people to take meaningful and productive actions.  Leadership is the ability to take others to new heights.

Successful leaders recognise that the outcomes they achieve are determined by the quality of their leadership, the clarity of their communication and the strength of their relationships.  Leaders who develop their skills in these areas the most, achieve the highest productivity and produce the most outstanding results.  However, most leaders are focused on and concerned about improving two different kinds of productivity and results.  Their own personal performance, productivity and results as well as the performance, productivity and results of their team.

Although these two areas of focus may at first seem unrelated, in a practical sense, personal and team productivity are intertwined, synergistic and cannot be separated.  A leader must demonstrate and model the attitudes and behaviours that he or she expects others in the team to follow.  These team members’ attitudes, behaviours and activities determine the success of the team.  By developing the correct attitudes and behaviours in each person, the overall team productivity and results will grow.

Over the next 12 months, our communications will be focused on providing insights and valuable suggestions for developing leadership skills, improving results and achieving greater success.

In each calendar quarter we will focus on one particular aspect of developing personal and team success. 

July – Productivity

August to October – Communications and Relationships

November to January – Continuous Improvement

February to April – Culture

May to July – Leadership

At LMA we are totally committed to providing you with valuable information and insights that you can translate into actions and activities in the workplace to achieve greater results and success.

Three Cheers for the High Achievers

As 2017 draws to a close we would like to celebrate the thousands of people who have participated and graduated from an LMA course this year.

As high achievers, we hope that you continue to practice LMA’s teachings, utilise the tools within the workplace and set goals in both your personal and professional lives.



Here is some of the feedback from LMA graduates in 2017.


Remember that high achievers:

  • Think positively (Above the Line)
  • Are willing to pay the price for success
  • Are willing to accept personal responsibility
  • Expect to succeed
  • Set goals in all areas of life
  • Are on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement

Congratulations to the 2017 Graduates of Leadership Management Australia!

Understanding your Work Culture

On the surface, workplace culture can seem deceptively easy to observe and understand. At its most simple, it can be the obvious factors such as office layout, how people behave, style of dress or general language being used between colleagues. In reality, culture goes well beyond the surface layer of how things look at a casual glance.


Culture can be summed up as the complex set of behaviours, values, reward systems, and rituals that make up your organisation. You can ‘feel’ culture when you visit a business or organisation, because it is often evident in the behaviour and enthusiasm of those who work there, along with the space itself.

The funny thing about culture is that the true nature of what is happening will often not be the obvious, surface level happenings. What is going on below the surface will often reveal the true drivers of both fulfilling and unfulfilling workplace cultures.

Organisations with reputable and enviable workplace culture often have one key thing in common: the people who work for them genuinely want to be there and are engaged when they are there. Recent data from Gallup shows that only 24% of Australian employees are engaged at work (60% are disengaged and 16% actively disengaged). While the culture of your organisation may not be the only reason for disengagement amongst your team, it can be an important factor for determining if people are happy and engaged at work.

By investing time to develop a better understanding of the existing culture of your workplace, you will be able to determine current engagement levels and know how to best improve them. There are some key strategies you can take to better understand your current working culture:

  • Conduct Culture Interviews

The best way to get to the heart of your culture is to ask the people who make it: your people. By sitting down with your people either individually or in small groups, you will be able to ask the questions about your organisation that you really want answers to. The best way to find out more about how your people feel is to ask open ended or indirect questions, such as: ‘How do you describe your workplace and what you do to your friends?’ or ‘What is one thing you’d like to see change at work?’

  • Analyse How Your Team is Working

Conducting a regular analysis of how your team is working together is essential to understanding what is working well and what needs improvement. LMA’s DIY Teamwork Analysis test will provide key insights into how your team is working, both as a collective and as individuals.

  • Learn to Observe

Learn how to tune in to what is happening around you. How are senior leaders interacting with the middle managers and staff? Are these interactions easy or strained? Are there clear conflicts? How are conflicts being resolved on a daily basis, if at all? Learning to analyse without judgement or assumption will help you to determine where the culture is growing and succeeding and where it may be faltering.

Understanding and improving your team’s experience is critical for companies operating in a highly competitive global economy. Providing an engaging experience will help organisations succeed in attracting and retaining highly skilled, engaged employees. Similarly, a strong employee experience also drives a strong customer experience. It is a real win-win all around to be acutely aware of your workplace’s culture.

LMA’s Challenge of Leadership course (BSB42015 Certificate IV in Leadership & Management) covers the practical issues of analyzing and improving workplace culture and is a good choice for leaders interested in positively influencing the performance of their team and organization. Click here to view the national LMA course schedule.

Empowered people. Better results.

Today we are embracing a giant milestone event! We have refreshed the LMA brand and we are announcing the creation of Thrive Alliance, a brand joining together our group of companies.

A message from our Founder – Grant Sexton

On the 24th of May 2017 we celebrate LMA’s 45 years in business. What started in a small office in Wellington Street, St Kilda in Melbourne, has grown to become a recognised and respected provider of training and development services throughout Australia and New Zealand. From 3 people, with very little business experience, but an abundance of enthusiasm, passion and hope, we now have over 140 passionate and professional people involved in our business across both countries. We have evolved as an organisation that truly understands its destiny and its mission – “Creating exceptional results through people”.

It has been a very long journey, during which we have been privileged to partner with incredible people in our team to assist over 120,000 people in their personal and leadership development journeys. Obviously, there have been many changes in the training and development sector across Australia and New Zealand over those 45 years. We have adjusted to many changes, and often initiated positive changes within our sector.

Many of those positive changes and improvements that have shaped our progress were initiated by ideas and feedback from you, our clients. Our individual clients who, as participants, enrolled in LMA and Think Perform programs, and our corporate clients being the employers who understand the importance of creating great learning and development opportunities for their people. Amongst the thousands of small incremental innovations and improvements, we have also achieved many large quantum leaps and milestones.

Many people are aware that the reputation of the VET sector in Australia has been severely damaged in recent years with abuse of government funding by unscrupulous operators, especially the VET Fee Help Scheme in the Business to Consumer (B to C) market. Substandard training and unearned certificates and diplomas became the norm for a large number of the providers in our field. As a result of much closer scrutiny, many high profile providers, predominantly in the B to C market, have now closed their doors, had their RTO status revoked or gone into voluntary administration.

However, we believe that the major problems, dramas and difficulties that the VET sector has been experiencing over recent years are coming to an end.


We at LMA, see a very bright and exciting new future. Our high quality training and development solutions will be sought after by individuals and organisations who understand the real value of investing in people’s potential.

We are modernising our blended learning model to meet your requests. As of this week, LMA Participants will be able to access the new FBOL App via their Apple or Android device. These apps will be available in the Apple and Google Play stores, and download links will be available on the login page of the Feedback Online website.

In addition to audio streaming, participants will be able to view and update their win/win agreement goals and personal goals as well as communicate with their Facilitator and Manager/Mentor.

There are many more improvements and new innovative initiatives scheduled for release in 2017-2018. Over the next 5 years, we will build a true “RTO with a difference”. An RTO committed to developing individuals and organisations towards their full potential.

Today we are embracing another giant milestone event, as we prepare for the future. LMA is the RTO within the Thrive Alliance group of companies which provides much more than the delivery of high quality, life-changing leadership development and transformational change programs. For this reason, we are launching a new look and feel in our branding for this exciting journey into the future.

We are proud to introduce to you…

Thrive Alliance
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Brand refresh and Thrive Alliance information:

Thrive Alliance is the umbrella brand that joins together our group of complimentary and specialised brands, all with the same purpose – creating exceptional results through people.

In itself, the name Thrive Alliance speaks to the vision for our group of companies and brands; an alliance of people, brands, products and services which empower our Participants and Client Organisations to thrive.

The launch of Thrive Alliance and the development and additions to the products and services offered, is a result of ongoing feedback from our Clients and Participants. We believe it is our responsibility as your trusted training and development partner to provide tried and tested development programs which deliver measurable results and R.O.I whilst innovating and releasing new tools and courses which satisfy a broader range of your needs and requirements. The Thrive Alliance Framework allows us to do just that.

So how does it all fit together?

LMA – Leadership and Performance Development.
Empowered People. Better Results.
Leadership Management Australasia is the proven best choice for unlocking the potential in people to positively impact results and the bottom line.


THINK PERFORM – Empowering Continuous Improvement.
Sustainable Change. Better Results.
The proven best choice for empowering people to drive continuous improvement and to positively impact culture, results and the bottom line.


THRIVE MORE – A range of best-in-class courses, tools and solutions to positively impact your people’s performance.
As opposed to the Premium Programs offered by LMA and Think Perform, Thrive More will offer short courses and workshops predominantly delivered over half, one or two days. At this stage, our Thrive More products include:

· Emotional Intelligence
· Productivity and Performance Improvement
· Lean Foundation Workshops
· Sales Foundation
· ….and many more to come


THRIVE PARTNERS – A network of complimentary trusted partners adding value to your business.


Our success over the years is because we have not tried to be all things to all people. However, we have many clients that ask us for recommendations to providers of products and services which are outside our offering. Over time, we will be growing a network of trusted Partners which can provide quality products and services to our clients when the need arises.

To find out more, call 1800 333 270 or click here to visit the Thrive Alliance Website.

There are many more improvements and new innovative initiatives scheduled for release in 2017-2018.

Stay tuned for more exciting news from LMA and Thrive Alliance!

Understanding the stages of team development | LMA

Embracing Positive Change

As a decision maker and problem solver, you must be prepared to embrace all of the risks associated with change.  There are common pitfalls that often ride on the back of both proactive and reactive change.


However, you can avoid these pitfalls if you are willing to pay the price of disturbing your own psychological comfort when choosing to change.

Listed below are a few challenges that should be considered when making a move towards change:

  • It will become necessary to defend yourself against traditional ways of thinking “We have always done it that way”. You may have to do without social approval for a time. You may also encounter resistance, especially if you are young or new at the job. Not only do some people instinctively resist change, they may actively insist that they are unable to learn a new procedure or change an old habit. When you believe in your decision, be consistent, stay firm and reinforce the need to change, even if you must do so repeatedly. Remain calm and unemotional, but determined. Be confident and lead by example.
  • People will be more likely to accept change when they see you embracing it with enthusiasm. When they see you not only survive, but thrive in a changed environment, they will be more willing to take the risks associated with a given change. Let your team members know that change is inevitable, and that your organisation will find a way to capitalise on change to succeed.
  • Sometimes, when seeing the scope of change in its full extent, it can seem completely overwhelming. Often change cannot be made in one easy step. Usually multiple areas of change happen concurrently or in gradual steps. It is easy to forget, that in life we rarely make entire changes in one attempt. One of the best ways forward is to break larger change projects down into smaller pieces that can be undertaken one piece at a time.  As a guiding rule for most people– ‘It is easier to embrace change when that change is gradual.’
  • Don’t be afraid to try new ideas or processes. However if you fail, fail in a correct way. In many organisations, people don’t understand the value of a failure. This is unfortunate because failure when innovating or experimenting with change, can be a good thing.  When implementing change, the correct way to fail means doing it quickly, at a low cost and never the same way twice. You don’t want to have too much money or time hinging on any one outcome. If you do, then failure is harmful, taking time and money away from other opportunities.  Testing your process on smaller scales projects allows for the risks to be lessened and the flow on effect to other areas is reduced.  Don’t forget to learn from your failures so that you don’t repeat them in the future.

Change IS necessary and it’s NOT evil. Learn to love change and you will be in a great position to succeed.  Leadership Management Australia has a variety of complementary resources which can be used to help support any change environment.

Build a Strong Foundation for Success

When you participate in leadership development training, you’re building on your previous experience and success. Your improved skills will enable you to get more done in less time and with less wasted effort, and as a result, you will become increasingly valuable to your chosen organisation.  Improved skills means less stress related to your responsibilities, so you will find yourself enjoying your job even more.

As you grow as a Leader, you will have a positive influence in three areas:

  1. In the organisation overall,
  2. With your own team members, and
  3. The work climate as a whole.


  • Your influence in the organisation: Organisations are much like human beings. Each copes with challenges in its own characteristic way and, operates in a manner designed to preserve its existence and succeed. An organisation is simply two or more people working toward a common goal. Regardless of the size of your organisation, being a leader calls for willingness to identify with your organisation’s purpose, to support it with your attitudes and your actions, and to facilitate the changes needed for the organisation’s ongoing success. Regardless of the type of your organisation – whether it’s a provider of services, a distributor of goods, or a manufacturer – you’re expected first of all to get results through your people in order to operate at a profit. Given defined human and financial resources, you must reach certain productivity goals. The nature of “profit” takes different forms according to the nature of the organisation, but the principle is the same.  “You are effective as a leader only when you manage the available resources to make the product or service worth more to the organisation than the cost of producing it.”  Although your personality characteristics and skills are important, your value to the organisation is generally measured by how effectively you’re fulfilling its mission and achieving cost-effective results.
  • Your influence on team members: In addition to understanding your responsibility to the organisation, you must also understand the needs and wants of the members of your work group. If you concentrate exclusively on your own needs and goals and neglect those of your team members, a deep rift in team relationships could develop. If you’re achievement oriented, you may be tempted to boost your own self-esteem by downplaying the contributions made by other team members. But when other team members feel that their efforts have been ignored or that their value has gone unrecognised, they view themselves as relatively unimportant to the organisation. Consequently, they feel less responsibility for being personally productive. Avoid this destructive pattern at all costs! Both you and your team members will enjoy the positive results of shared responsibility, achievement and recognition.
  • Your influence on the work climate: When you adopt a no-limitations belief in the potential and worth of every individual, you begin coaching each team member with an enthusiasm that says, “You can do it!” Your confidence in them gives them maximum opportunity to grow, to meet their own needs, and to contribute to the success of your department or work group. When you believe in the ability of people to perform productively, your expectations become a self-fulfilling prophecy. People tend to live up to what’s expected of them by others, especially by those they consider authority figures. When you demonstrate that you believe your team members can succeed, they’re willing to take more growth risks. A no-limitations belief in people also makes it easier for you to delegate various responsibilities and to trust your team members to get the help, resources and training they may need to successfully complete the tasks you assign. When you demonstrate your confidence in their ability to perform successfully, they will accept the challenge and work harder to meet your expectations.

25 Traits of Successful Salespeople

What separates successful salespeople from everyone else? Is it their people skills? Their determination? Or is it a special combination of a range of skills and attitudes that allows some salespeople to rise above the rest?

A winning frame of mind, determination to get the very best result and a projection of self-belief to take on any situation are just some of the traits covered in this eBook.

The best salespeople will have a winning formula that will get them the outstanding results that separate them from the rest.

Use the form above to download the 25 Traits of Successful Salespeople eBook, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.

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