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DIY Teamwork Analysis

Is your team functioning effectively?

Many team members and team leaders have not asked themselves this question or honestly answered it. Many know that their team has issues but do not know where to start in addressing them.

LMA’s new DIY Teamwork Analysis Tool is designed to assess your team’s current performance level and identify areas for improvement.

This informative teamwork analysis will only take you about 4 minutes to complete. Simply answer the questions and click submit, and you will immediately receive your insightful teamwork analysis report.

Please be assured that the answers you provide, and the subsequent report that is returned, will remain completely confidential to LMA.

Click to start the DIY Teamwork Analysis

Inspirational posters | LMA

Inspirational poster – August 2015

“Individually we are one drop but together, we are an ocean.”
Ryunosuke Satoro

Effective teamwork is vital in order to reap the rewards of higher productivity, fewer internal struggles and a more enjoyable work experience.

Examples of the power of teamwork can be seen in nature with the migration of geese. As the seasons change large flocks of geese migrate by flying thousands of kilometres to their destination. These flocks contain hundreds of individual birds, each with limited capabilities to go the distance alone, however almost all of them make it to their destination.

How do they do it? The answer is simple: teamwork.


Scientists have identified that when geese fly in formation, each bird flapping its wings creates an uplift for the bird that follows. Together the whole flock can fly over 70 percent further than if they fly alone. This phenomenon can be considered an example of synergy, a concept closely related to teamwork. Simply put, synergy is the cooperation of more people or elements working together to produce a combined result that is greater than the sum of the results achieved separately. The word synergy is derived from the Greek “synergos” meaning “working together”.

When people harness the power of effective teamwork and synergy within their own work teams, they too achieve substantially improved individual and team performance, higher output, greater personal satisfaction, less stress, and a safer workplace.

Use the form above to download this handy poster, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.

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How to help employees change - change management tips

How to help employees change – change management tips

In today’s dynamic world of constant change, it’s imperative that managers and leaders have the tools and skills necessary to help their employees change behaviour as needed.

In fact, change management is a critical skill for all managers and leaders in the 21st Century. The question then becomes, “How does a manager/leader change or influence an employee’s behaviour?”

The best tool for accomplishing this is feedback. It has been said that feedback is the “breakfast of champions.” This is absolutely true. With feedback, you can have a significant impact on an employee’s behaviour and results. Feedback is an act of recognition of a person, an event, a result, etc.

There are two main sources of feedback: a person can provide feedback to themselves, or they can receive it from others. There are three very different feedback scenarios:

  1. Positive Feedback – Positive feedback reinforces positive behaviour.
  2. Negative Feedback – Negative feedback stops negative behaviour.
  3. No Feedback – People who are unsuccessful in getting any feedback through normal behaviour will resort to making mistakes and/or causing trouble to get negative feedback. This is because getting negative feedback is better than having no feedback at all. Nature abhors a vacuum. The absence of feedback creates a psychological vacuum in a person’s mind. Under this condition, people will act in any way they can to gain feedback, either negative or positive.
    Since it is often easier to get attention by doing something bad than it is by doing something good, in the absence of feedback, people will move from doing what they are doing now to doing something differently where feedback is achieved. We can easily see this in children. They will do whatever they need to do to get the attention of a parent, sibling, etc.

What Type of Feedback is Most Effective?

Actually, both positive feedback and negative feedback are effective if used in the appropriate manner at the right time.

As mentioned, negative feedback stops negative behaviour. As an example, an electrified fence will keep a stallion in a paddock, but does nothing to help him know what to do while he’s there. Similarly, negative feedback can be used to keep an employee from repeating negative behaviour, but does not necessarily contribute to the substitution of a positive behaviour to replace it.

Positive feedback, on the other hand, reinforces desirable behaviour. Immediate and positive recognition for positive performance will motivate an employee to want to repeat the behaviour. You can create a cycle of productive behaviour by recognising positive behaviour, which leads to more positive behaviour, followed by more feedback, and on and on.

How Do You Use Positive Feedback?

There are certain principles in giving positive feedback. Follow these principles and your positive feedback will have the greatest impact.

  1. Be sure your positive feedback is unconditional. Don’t give recognition and then take it away as in “That’s a terrific sales record this week, Mary, but can you do it again next week?”
  2. Multiply the feedback. Encourage the employee to talk about an accomplishment where other people can hear about it. “Barbara, you have done an absolutely phenomenal job of selling this week. Tell us how you did it, and how closing those sales made you feel.” If there is no one else around to hear about the employee’s experiences, be the best audience you can be and encourage the employee to tell you about it.
  3. Substantiate the feedback by giving tangible evidence.   This could be in the presentation of a certificate, a plaque, or a trophy; having someone take a picture of the presentation and give it as a remembrance of the victorious event. You can also do this simply by writing a note to the employee congratulating them on their performance. Anyway that you can put something in writing where it is tangible adds to the value of the recognition and the feedback.
  4. When giving positive feedback, be very clear and specific. Tell the employee exactly what it is that you like. Next, tell the employee why you like it. Finally, ask the employee a question about the accomplishment such as, “What did you do differently that made the difference.” This gives the employee a chance to explain why they achieved the results and to actually relive the experience. Being clear and specific also helps the employee understand what behaviour it is that you are recognising. If you are not specific, the employee may interpret a different behaviour as the one that you are desiring.
  5. Make your feedback genuine. It is vital that any feedback you give is sincere and genuine. Do not make up feedback just to provide feedback. People can easily tell when you are not being genuine in your praise. This not only has no positive effect, it may actually have a negative effect on the employee.

In today’s dynamic world, having your people motivated, empowered and productive is crucial to the success of your group or organisation. Having the tools necessary to help your employees behave in the most productive manner will be a key to your success as a manager and a leader. Use these principles to help lead your people and your organisation to the pinnacle of success.

For a more in depth discussion on the skills and tools of change management, contact your LMA representative today, or give us a call on (Aust) 1800 333 270, or (NZ) 0800 333 270.

Source: LMA and Randy Slechta, President of Leadership Management International, Inc.

Inspirational posters | LMA

Inspirational poster – July 2015

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle.

Every day you operate on a framework of habits that are either helping you or holding you back. It’s natural human behaviour; habit allows you to spend less time and energy on regular tasks so you can divert more energy to learning new tasks, absorbing new information, problem solving and a host of other demands life throws your way.

It’s great news if your habits support you in achieving what you set out to and terrible news if your habits are out of step with your life or holding back from what might be achievable.

If you are not getting the desired end result, perhaps there is a shift you can make in the way you are thinking or acting?

Use the form above to download this handy poster, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.

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Inspirational poster – June 2015

Attitude is everything

One of the most important steps you can take toward achieving success in your life is to learn to monitor your attitude and its impact on your work performance, relationships and everyone around you.

Use the form above to download this handy poster, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.

Unlike conventional training courses, Leadership Management Australia’s unique development process brings permanent and positive change in attitudes and behaviours, resulting in increased performance and productivity for the individual, and improved profitability for their organisation.

Click here to read more about LMA’s unique development process.

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Understanding effective teamwork – free eBook

— Team development resource —

Working as an effective team can assist team members in developing their job skills, achieving greater success at work, enjoying increased recognition, gaining leadership experience and positioning themselves for advancement and promotion.

LMA’s free eBook Understanding Teamwork is a team development resource to help managers, leaders and team members develop their team by assisting them to:

  • Define effective teamwork
  • Understand the benefits of effective teamwork
  • See examples of effective teamwork in nature

Use the form above to download this handy resource and feel free to share it on social media.

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Inspirational posters | LMA

Inspirational poster – May 2015

“I recommend you take care of the minutes for the hours will take care of themselves…”
Lord Chesterfield

Time management can have a powerful influence on success in the workplace. Equipping your people with a wide range of time management skills can determine the productivity,  efficiency and effectiveness through which your organisation achieves success.

Leadership Management Australia (LMA) has a number of courses that develop time management skills and best practice for increased productivity. We teach you how to manage competing priorities to gain more control of your time at work and in your personal life.

LMA’s time management courses and productivity courses are suitable for anyone who wants to learn how to better manage their time and the time of their people for greater efficiency and productivity.

Regardless of whether you need to improve your own time management skills and productivity  or the time management skills and productivity of the people you lead, LMA has a course to suit your needs. To discuss which course is most appropriate to your current needs, please contact LMA.

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Inspirational posters | LMA

Inspirational poster – April 2015

“People can alter their lives by altering their attitudes” –  William James

Unlike conventional training courses, Leadership Management Australia’s unique development process brings permanent and positive change in attitudes and behaviours, resulting in increased performance and productivity for the individual, and improved profitability for their organisation.

We achieve this through our three core unique development process fundamentals:

  • We develop the ‘total person’ in all facets of their personal and professional life
  • Our step-by-step blended learning and development process incorporates best practice learning techniques and methodologies
  • Embedded into our process are nine key adult learning development principles.

Click here to read more about LMA’s unique development process.

Use the form above to download this handy poster, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.

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The road to success | LMA

The road to success

The road to success can be a long and bumpy one but with clear thinking, determination and confidence the journey will be much easier.

View LMA’s tips for achieving success in your work and personal life.

Use the form above to download this handy poster, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.

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Inspirational posters | LMA

Inspirational poster – March 2015

“The person who every morning plans the transactions of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide them through the labyrinth of the most busy day.”

Leadership Management Australia (LMA) has a number of courses that teach participants about the fundamentals of goal setting and best practice for increased productivity. We teach you how to manage competing priorities and use goal setting to challenge and motivate yourself.

Use the form above to download this handy poster, share it on social media or print and keep it as a reminder.