1800 333 270


In the last six months despite having additional staff to reduce the added pressure within my area of responsibility, I had been struggling to improve the performance of my team and felt they did not share the same passion I have in succeeding. I was frustrated by my teams attitude.||The team performance prompter helped me to identify some issues which then gave me the opportunity to discuss with each member. One on one discussions followed by small group discussion have proven to be a huge benefit as far as identifying an even simpler problem, my staff had forgotten the importance of what they do and their responsibilities in some instances. (Reviewed of job descriptions) We identified each of their HPA’s and agreed to focus only on these activities. ||The level of sick days have dropped, individuals are speaking more civil to each other but more importantly work flow has improved considerably.||For one member having given him an area of responsibility to manage to the best of his ability. His confidence has grown considerably and I find him now getting more involved in group discussions. From a personal learning experience, I have always struggled to rely on others due to bad experience. I’m consciously making every effort to trust in my teams ability and though they may not complete a task to the level I would expect of myself, I need to let go of these negative thoughts if I want my team to grow and develop with me.

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