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I have had a lot of positive success from participating in the course and seen big improvements in certain areas and really developed through the process.|I am not currently in a managerial position but step up into the role as required and I am the Senior account manager of our team. About a month ago the sales manager was away on holidays so I was the Sales Manager for this period and utilising the recently developed skills and tools from the course reached fantastic result for the month and got great feedback from all employees through all departments and Senior management. I am now ready to take the next step in my career and I can honestly say it is with the help of LMA and all the valuable skills and ideas I have learned.|The skills, tools and ideas I have developed through my win-win goals and assignments are going to see great results into the future and will stay with me forever. One of the great benefits with the course is not only do you work through the modules during the course period but you have them forever to revisit and use for continuous improvement in the workplace.

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