1800 333 270


Had an overall increase in my time managment skills, leadships skills, understanding delegation and the importance of training. ||In the LMA course i have been able to accomplish a team restructure, increased use of tech in the team for communications and calendars, expanded the PHaMs service effectivitly due to new skills in training identifcation and clear planning and monitoring techniques. Saved a huge amount of hrs on being more organised on my outlook program, saved time in looked at new referral processes. Gained higher level of team repect through team building activities inspired by LMA principles. Developed new Tools for the team to use. I see value in each staff member and have tools like the motivation planner to expand on what i already knew about team members to help them reach there goals. I have also really applied the Above the line apporach to Managment. If the team is not working well look at Myself first. ||also by Watching the Facilitator in the workshops i have picked up presentation skills and pointers to engage a small group. ||I now routinely spend time walking with Charlie (Son) in the Mornings.

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