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The Most enjoyable aspect of the course was the interaction with people from different background & Work area and know their prospective, the Problem were the same just the name of business was different.|I could certainly identify my time where I spend, the effective use of Time Planner for the week.|How wisely I can use it by delegating a few task, |The Power of writing down the Goals & Breaking it down with target dates for each action step and use of color codes to highlight progress has helped me. |By getting clarity on my HPA’s, I cannot clearly define my work priorities during the day along with other BAU activity.|Preparing a succession plan for my self within my team.| |I accomplished my personal goal for fitness plan for the week & religiously follow it, my Family Goal for a Balance using the Wheel of Life having discussion with my wife also getting to her to write down her goals & plan it.|For my work place I had focus goals which i accomplished, |New initiatives for Team meetings, Delegating a Task use the time saved for other important tasks.|Preparing Imperative- Important list for daily To-Do list of tasks.|Preparing a system to streamline certain scheduled task with a visibility to the team.

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