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From doing this course it has given me a more defined perspective and confidence on my role and responsibilities as supervisor for my team. I have taken on board and applied the tools/ideas described in the modules. The Power of Written Goals is one I have found to be most helpful when setting and planning goals. To see the goal written down you visualise performing the action steps to achieve it. Visualizing seeing yourself/team achieving the goals set gives you the motivation to want to do it. This is how I achieved my personal goal of painting my house and roof as well as modiyfing my fence. This has been a ongoing project for the last 5 years that never got started I achieved all in 3 weeks…stoked as.|Even though I found doing the assisgnments a bit of a overload for the grey matter at times I will miss doing them. The sense of achievement when I completed each one was great.|Thank you Tracy Monk (Facilitator), Shane Coleman(Mentor), Fitzroy Engineering & LMA for increasing my confidence,skills and knowledge in the workplace and my own personal life.

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