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I liked the Workplace Project process. Breaking down tasks and assessing the reason why each task related to the end result of the project was a clarifying moment. Usually when faced with a “project” I would have just got on and completed the project the best way I knew how. This tool helped me to better understand the gaps that can occur in projects – the things that can be missed.||I now have better time management and now own my own time more. I have a greater ability to say no if a request willl be a) non urgent b) interrupts my plan for the day. This is still a work in progress but I do believe I am changing my work habits in this area more each week.||I enjoyed working more closely with my team with respect to the skills audit, the LEAD surveys and change surveys. These tools allowed me to better understand the team of people I work with every day. While I do not manage these people directly, the tools provided a greater understanding of the impacts of their own life and work have on their day to day.||I did not overly enjoy the Win/Win goal process, however it did take me out of my comfort zone which was a lesson in itself. I have learnt to cope better when put into a position of discomfort.

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