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The most enjoyable aspects of the course was learning within a group of individuals sharing their experiences in the one place. The discussions that we had with the mentor which made us think quite deeply and not just from a work aspect. There were games which were played which were quite enjoyable and very relevant to the course. ||In terms of successes, I am very proud to say that I have improved on my communication and delivery skills quite drastically as one of my win win goals. Before the course I was not able to do a speech, presentation or demonstration without the aid of notes and not confident in the delivery. This lead to a lot of stuttering and not making the communication very clear. After the course I have been able to deliver discussions/persentations with confidence and in front of a number of management staff and also people that I do not know of. I proved this to myself from the last presentation being the course review presentation that I spoke without the aid of notes and was able to focus more on the audience to make an engaging presentation

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