1800 333 270


The course was presented in a fun and conducive to learning environment. I enjoyed all aspects because it was a long time since I had done anything remotely like this course. I had commenced a Cert. 4 in Supervision in 2007, it was nothing as challenging, interesting or to me relevant as this course (through a Melbourne based organisation).||I have commenced many positive actions in the last 8 months, the impact on me personally has been to motivate and re-educate me as my skills were 1992/93 based and a lot has changed. It has also made me re-evaluate where I am going in life and seek new goals, both professionally and at a personal level.||I have made formal changes on the sales side of the business, introduced formal sales meetings, reporting back trends, results etc. This already has resulted in positive sales outcomes and a team diligently working away at agreed targets.||The toolbox meetings held have had the agenda tightened and I have introduced the policy training agenda for the team.||I accomplished goals in the HR area, the change project and many other system improving ideas. Along with this has come a re-opening of my management style where I am letting the team lead more with decision making and I am mentoring actively more.

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