1800 333 270


The interaction within the group as the course progressed and becoming in tune with other peoples roles in the work place.|The course has fired my enthusiasm to take on other project ideas i have into the future.I have become a more confident and out spoken individual in the workplace and I feel ready to take on a leadership role.|I feel i am more aware of what Ido with my time (HPA) due to the time analysis study.I feel comfortable in training team members, getting feedback and trying new ideas and systems, knowing how to work through the different stages of change in the workplace establishing training and motivational plans for team members,dealing with conflict planning situations to avoid minimum conflict from team members on the whole a whole wrath of new skills and ideas to make me a successful manager.|Goals accomplished. Fence painted, car repairs,kids activity memberships organized,oil leaks reported and fixed in work place,ink fill sensors reported and fixed, blanket washers reported and fixed,damaged guards reported and fixed,carried out a workplace project, got Alu-tab sensor added to reel stands.

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