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The Guest Speakers were a very enjoyable part of the course. It Educated highly what management above really did and opened my eyes to alot more roles within the company.|Completing my Win-Win goals successfully was a very enjoyable aspect of the course also.|First Win win goal:-|Create a Ordering system for materials.|I accomplished this successfully and the measurable results were:-|More efficiencies in works due to no down time from lack of materials.|The ability to complete tasks as much as possible in the one pass, and not having to come back over the same location to complete unfinished works.|Minimising over-ordering of materials.|And a general higher morale in labour, due to having the materials they require on time.||The next win win goal i accomplished successfully was to promote more Informal leaders amongst my team.|The measurable results were:-|Boost in productivity, teams reaching my set goals, on Program.|The ability to confidently leave crews to themselves for longer periods of time, thus creating more time to achieve my HPA’s.|All teams are creating and completing their own to do lists, thus minimising uncomplete tasks.|Team members taking more pride in the quality of their works.|And finally the team achieving its best results with all team members working together towards a common goal.||I’m extremely happy with the outcomes of both Win win goalsI set and accomplished, the benefits have not only been rewarding to myself, but also very beneficial to the development of my people.

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