1800 333 270


The most successful gain for me from the course was the understanding to work “above the line”. I believe in the past I may have worked to perfection and pushed for unreasonable requests. I am now mindful of being positive and controlled at all times, both at work and in my personal life. I now concentrate on making a problem an opportunity and working to utilise the opportunities that are presented.|The biggest goal achievement has been to understand that my time, is my time and I need to utilise this where I see appropriate and not other people. I now work to my priorities and not other people’s priorities and I concentrate on making myself and my family happy, not other people requesting my or my teams assistance. My average working hours are now consistently at 42 hours a week and not at 47 – 55 hours a week like they were. I feel as though I’m achieving all the HPA’s required of me now as well.

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