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The course enabled me to identify areas for improvement within the way I approached my work. Using simple techniques I was able to identify that my time management skills were lacking. Although I am always busy and take ownership of my responsibilities I did not realise just how simple it would be to manage my time. I have identified areas where I have improved on valuing other peoples time also. I am using the communication planners to ensure I am not interrupting others with non-urgent items that I can leave and discuss all at one later time. One of the other things that became apparent to me was the role of the ‘informal leader’. Prior to this course I felt that even though I was the most senior and that I did teach and mentor other employees, I didn’t feel like I had the authority to do that. Since this I have realised the value I can be to my supervisor and the team to adopt this unofficial role within the team in the office.||The feedback logs and motivation plans along with the understanding I have gained during the modules focusing on developing people have helped me gain knowledge and confidence in dealing with the drivers that I supervise. I now give regular feedback to the drivers and I talk through the following days work with them each day to ensure they are aware of what is expected of them and I am aware if they have any issues with the work they have been assigned. This also reduces the phone calls I receive from the drivers during the day as all information they require and the expectations are clear.||I am looking forward to reviewing the course modules and listening to the CD’s, particularly in the car and really absorbing the content and using the tools to help me in my role. I am looking forward to completing the Certificate IV in the near future.

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