1800 333 270


One success for me was time management – As like others we had to sacrifice certain things to accomplish the dead lines of work/study/family and social in such a busy environment.|Better Self awareness and understanding of others has got to be a positive acheivement for me also.|Knowledge of the idea that we could reinvent and empower ones self and ability, And having the management tools to maintain this level of competance.|More open verbal communication between our LiveLinecrews, 2 Secondments as WGL, Organised Better access to our cupboard stock,Completed 2 Microsoft courses, A better set Storage system for our S/lights and Organised Hands free kits for all of our EPV’s.| On my personal goals, I painted our house, 3/4 finished the fence, completed and leased out our holiday bach, Refubished the Unit and help coach my boys league sides to win the G/F.

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