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Some excerpts from previously written comments; In summary LMA has been a life changer for me!||As a former cynic; I am amazed by the gains in focus, clarity and organisation. I am much more focussed on tasks and better at seeing these through to conclusion. I am procrastinating considerably less and feeling much more fulfilled as a result. I am “even more” positive and enthusiastic than usual and the structured process of goal setting seems to have ideas “snowballing” from me. I have seen significant gains from working ‘Smarter” in all areas of my life… ||As previously reported I have continued to implement changes and bring in systems which have continuously improved our team productivity and made huge inroads into what was previously a massive backlog of scheduled service work. Empowerment of individuals and delegation has had a big impact on driving this improvement and I been impressed by the way in which the team has strived to reach the goals set. Improvements in communication and feedback have been paramount in establishing and continuing this drive forward. Some staff leave and unscheduled reactive work has had an impact on our goals but month on month since beginning LMA we have seen continued improvement.

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