1800 333 270


Key aspects of the course for me were:|Networking with a wide variety of sections in the organisation which has allowed relationships to develop that will greatly aid in the organisation taking on a more collaborative approach in the future. ||Gaining an understanding of just what is the role of a manager right at the time in my career where I am starting into this area. I have had great feedback from team members, manager, General Manager and even the CE on my approach and how I have developed my leaderships skills to achieve ever greater results through my team and others. ||I have achieved goals such as ensuring we achieve full compliance with regulators, improving the flow of communications to team members, and basically, through the applications of what I have learned, gaining the respect of my team, peers and stakeholders as I employ a more professional, planned approach.||Gaining an understanding of the principle of goal setting has had an enormous change on both my work and family life. Taking the time to break things down to clear, precise steps and scheduling time to work on action steps has allowed me to much more productive without putting in significantly more effort. Taking the time to identify where I want to go rather than just cruising along has given me much needed impetus to focus on career goals as well as to work with the family to identify where we want to be in 2 years time and what we need to be doing to get there.

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